My Famous Dinner

If I could invite any three people to dinner, I would pick Emma Watson, Annabeth Chase, and Jax (Jaclyn Cole Miskanic). Emma Watson is an actress that is most known as Hermoine Granger in Harry Potter and Belle in the live-action Beauty in the Beast movies. I think she would be really interesting to talk to because she gives talks about feminism and equal rights (she gave an interesting speech encouraging men to be part of the women’s rights movement). Annabeth Chase is a fictional character in the Percy Jackson series. She was a really strong character in the series and would be interesting to meet! Jax is a singer that writes songs, such as about Victoria’s Secret and Cinderella Snapped. These songs are about feminism and equality and encouraging women to forge their own ways. Dinner with any of these three would be amazing and I think I would learn a lot.

My Dream Job

I do not have a dream job, but I have a few ideas. My ideas are being a doctor (neurologist, cardiologist, surgeon), baker/baker owner, and hospice nurse. I’d like to be a doctor because I’m interested in helping people medically and helping the world. I’d like to be a bakery owner because running a business is really intriguing to me and I love baking. I’d like to be a hospice nurse because my mom says I’d be really good at hospice care. She says that I’m very kind, warm and caring and gave so much peace to my grandpa when he was dying. I wonder what I will become!


I drank a magical potion, and it turned me invisible! My friends and I bought an invisible potion as a joke because we didn’t think it would work. None of us wanted to drink it, because we didn’t know what would happen. My friends made me drink it anyway. Nothing had happened, and we were a little annoyed, but we soon forgot. A few hours late my friends went home and I went to bed. In the morning I woke up to my mom’s text saying she would be back later tonight, and that the breakfast was on the table. I got up and felt really dizzy, but that soon disappeared. After I ate breakfast, I checked my phone to see a text from my friend saying to meet up at her house to hang out. I brushed my teeth and tried to do my hair but could not see it in the mirror. I rubbed my eyes and checked the mirror again. . . I wasn’t there!! Did it work? I Facetimed my best friend and she was shocked and didn’t believe that I was invisible. She ran to my house so we could go around town and trick my friends. It was so much fun! I went to bed before my mom came home and covered up my body so it would look like I was there. The next morning I checked the mirror and there I was! My mom had texted me that she would be home late again. . . which made me wonder. . . was it all a dream?

Break and Braces

Spring break was awesome! Except for one part… I got braces on Monday. Even though that part kinda sucked, I still had a great spring break! The weekend when spring break started, I went to Camp Sherman, a Girl Scout camp, and it was so much fun, because there was so much rain and snow, there was water in the creek and a waterfall! It was so cool and beautiful. On Tuesday, I got a manicure and pedicure for my best friends birthday and we ate lunch at a sushi place and got mochi for dessert. On Tuesday I helped my nana with chores at her house, and it was fun because I love my nana. Later I went with my mom to get food at Trader Joe’s and we went to Michaels and I got materials for a crocheting project. On Wednesday, it was my mom’s birthday , so we went to Disney with my other mom and twin brother and Heidi and her mom. Heidi and I stayed later so we went on Matterhorn and checked out toon town because they finished renovating it, and it was so cool and cute! On Thursday I went too my mom’s work, and that was interesting because she works at two schools, one of them is a school that you have to apply for and the other one is a virtual school. I met my mom’s coworkers and principals, and they were all so nice! The next day I went to my other mom’s work. She works at a Jewish private school, and she teaches 4th grade. Her school is really tiny, and the is only like 11 middle schoolers in total. The weekend before spring break ended was very fun. My brother had a mountain biking race in Lake Cachuma. A lot of people from my school are in my brother’s mountain biking club. It was so beautiful there, and I had tons of fun. In all, I had an amazing spring break.

Rad Reading-February

The book I read for February was The Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling. No one believes Harry Potter about the events that occurred in the last book, The Goblet of Fire, where Harry says that Voldemort killed Cedric and tried to kill him. The minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge, was afraid of that Dumbledore, so he sends a terrible teacher named Dolores Umbridge to watch Dumbledore and Harry. Her class was not taught well (on purpose, because she’s on the ministers side), so Harry created a secret organization for people to learn how to help fight back if Voldemort or his followers ever tried to defeat them.

I loved this book because you could really visualize the book and you really knew the characters. My favorite character was Hermione because she is really smart, clever, funny, and helpful. An example of her being funny is, “Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have.”

My favorite quote is, “You’re a prefect? Oh Ronnie! That’s everyone in the family!”
“What are Fred and I? Next door neighbors?” because I found it very funny because Mrs. Weasley had forgotten about her two twin trouble maker sons, Fred and George.

The Potato

The potato was a scary creature. No one knew why it was so weird, because it was just a potato. The potato was kept in the zoo, with a zoo keeper always on watch. This was because he had a habit of ruining people’s lives when someone wasn’t watching. Maybe you have heard of the potato case, where one day, an unassuming zoo keeper to his eyes off the potato for a mere second, which was more than anyone had attempted. In 5 seconds, the zoo keeper got calls from his girlfriend breaking up with him, his house burning down, millions of dollars in unpaid loans that would be the reason he went to jail, and his boss coming to fire him. Because of this, the potato got transferred to a level five security zoo in Arizona, where 5 zoo keepers at a time had to watch him so that that wouldn’t happen again.


I stuck in a deserted island! I tried to think about how I got there and I realized that my plane had crashed, and that I was the only survivor. I first cleaned my clothes in a near by stream, and then caught food from there. I created a fire and cooked my foo, than made a shelter out of the crashed plane and slept. The island is very lush, with thousands of plants and animals. There is a big stream and a waterfall that makes relaxing sounds. Every day I fish in the river for food, and bathe in the river.

Rad Reading-January

The book I read for January was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling. The book starts off with the Quidditch World cup, and when it was over the Death Eaters (Voldemort’s followers) caused a lot of trouble. He returned to Hogwarts and learned that the Triwizard Tournament would continue after many years. Due to deaths, the rule was that you had to be 17 years or older to participate and that anyone younger would not be able to put their name in. Traditionally the Goblet of fire would shoot out three names, one from each school, and Harry could not put his name in because he was not old enough. Anyone who was called was magically bound to participate. The time eventually came when the people were going to be chosen to compete in the tournament. Three were chosen, one from each school, when one more piece of paper shot out of the goblet, with Harry Potter’s name on it. I liked the book because it was very suspenseful and exciting with lots of adventure. My favorite character from the book was hagrid because he was very nice and helped Harry out with a lot of things. He is very sweet and is a good, understanding character. A quote I can use for Hagrid being nice is, “Yer don’ have ter ashamed of what yeh are.”

“If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals,” is my favorite quote because it is a good life lesson and helps you decide for someone is a good person or not.

My Hero

My hero is Juliette Gordan Low. She started Girl Scouts and gave so many girls opportunities around the world, like how I get to go to Savannah Georgia in two weeks, and how I get to go on an Alaskan cruise in the summer.

A long time ago girls weren’t able or given opportunities to learn, explore, and have adventures like the boys in Boy Scouts. Now Girl Scouts get to experience camping traveling, stem, life skills, carer exploration, and business skills through the cookie sales program.

She overcame her disability(she was deaf because at her wedding people through rice and the rice caused her to lose her hearing), defy gender roles, and not only did she do this for the girls Georgia, she did it for all the girls in the united stated and all over the world.

“I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah and all American and all the world and we’re going to start tonight!”

-Juliette Gordon Low


Instead of a New Year’s resolution, I will focus on one word. That word is productivity. Something I really struggled with all of 2022 was productivity. My work was pretty much all late, and I really struggled with finishing work at school. One reason is that it’s very stressful to have a lot of missing assignments. My second reason is that my grades start to take a toll when I’m not finishing my work. My third reason is that I miss out on opportunities to do something fun because of all my missing work. Productivity would help with all of this.

I will try and be productive by doing a few new things. Making lists of assignments due, every day. I am also trying the Pomodoro method of getting things done. You work for 25 minutes, then set the timer for a few-minute break. Then set the timer again for 25 minutes. Keep doing this until the work is finished.

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