Invisible Emmie Rad Reading – Month October

I read the book, Invisible Emmie, by Terri Libenson.

Invisible Emmie is about a girl named Emmie. She is the youngest child of 3 children. Her siblings are in college and her parents work a lot. Her best friend Brianna sits with her at lunch. They play a game where they write ridiculous love notes to their crush. Emmie accidentally drops her note when walking to class. The class clown sees it and picks it up. She is really embarrassed when other people find out about it. In the end, she becomes more confident in herself and talks to people she doesn’t know. I loved this book because it was really funny to see what shy people think because I’m not shy. My favorite character was Emmie. The author really focuses most of the descriptions on her, and we don’t learn much about the other characters. Emmie’s character trait is that she is very self-conscious. Here is a quote that supports that though. “I guess being quiet, skinny, and flat has its advantages.”


My favorite quote is this: “Down. the hall, I see two boys having a conversation in front of their locker. Actually, it was less of a conversation and more of a primal-monkey noisefest. This is my favorite quote because it reminds me of my brother and his friends.

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